The creative process
I've suddenly got a real urge to write. I'm referring to short stories; stories I couldn't possibly invent. They're way too strange and funny to be fiction. I'm hoping that by getting rid of some of the clutter that's been in my head for a while, I'll be better able to cope with the new stuff coming in. A self-exorcism of the mind, so to speak. And I'm not going to change the names to protect the guilty either.
Since I've started writing I've noticed that I'm sleeping better. Maybe it's a coincidence. And as I write I'm remembering more of the little details that for some reason I had forgotten. Maybe if I can put enough of these stories together I'll have the book I always said I was going to write. Hell there's more than enough content in my head for two books. A War and Peace epic 21st century vintage. My first attempt at writing the great novel wasn't a success. It was started as a reaction to anger and frustration and sadness; the karma was off.
What I'm finding interesting is that the more I write the more I want to write. I sense an excitement building and that's a little scary. It's so totally new to me. I've written some things before: some poetry, some songs, a few haikus, but their birthing process didn't feel like this.
It's only words, and words are all I have to take your breath away. I know I didn't write that but it seems appropriate to repeat it.